What Do You Do when you are stressed

Premise: We all live in a world where we have stressors all around us and our ability to manage stress becomes an element that determines how successful we are in whatever we do. Managing Stress: As with everything else in life, stress also has two faces. One kind of stress allows us to be alert and in the moment and leads us to be at our best. The other kind of stress takes a toll on our abilities and leads us to perform at far lower levels than we are capable of. The truth of the matter is that it […]

PBTO1: Launching “Pushing Beyond the Obvious” Podcast

I had earlier announced that I will launch my podcast shortly. Today, is the day when I would like announce the launch of “Pushing Beyond the Obvious” podcast. This is the first episode of the podcast. In this episode, I talk about what this podcast is about and whom is it relevant for. This podcast is relevant to you if: You are an entrepreneur or a CEO You are a manager responsible for sales, marketing, innovation or strategy function in your organization. The podcast provide you insights and strategies on how to push the boundaries of the following functions: Sales […]