What do Great Entrepreneurs do?

I was reading Seth’s new book – “What to do when its your turn [and its always your turn] and came across the section, where he writes – Great work is the result of seeking out tension and not avoiding it.. This got me thinking and I came to a slightly different realization than the one that Seth was alluding to in his book. I believe that this is exactly what entrepreneurship is all about. As entrepreneurs, we seek out tense situations and find creative ways to resolve the tension and make money in the process. I believe what separates […]

Making Choices – The Most Important Job of a Leader

Seth Godin published a blog about Choices and how these choices define the kind of people we become. As an entrepreneur or a business owner, it is even more important to understand and improve how we create and make choices. It is in fact the only thing that a business owner is responsible to do – to make choices – whom should he hire; should he hire or not; what work to do himself and what to outsource or delegate; which project to start and which one to stop; which one to ship and when; should he take funding from a VC or to […]