Innovations Result from Solving Interesting Problems with Unique Insights

Innovations Result from Solving Interesting Problems by Mukesh Gupta I read a blog post from Seth Godin titled – “Interesting Problems“. You can read it here. I have always held the opinion that the ability to ask Interesting Questions is key when it comes to staying in control of your innovation process. After reading the post by Seth, I think, solving interesting problems is a great path that can lead to asking interesting questions, which in turn leads us to interesting insights and eventually interesting innovations. So, the question that begs an answer is where and how can we find […]

What Drives Innovation

Every leader wants to build a culture of innovation in their respective organisations. There is enough written about how one can go about building a culture of innovation. I have myself written about it as below: Everyone wants to innovate but no one wants to fail, How do you innovate “Innovation”, What stops Us from Creating Breakthrough Innovations, Building a Culture of Innovation by Creating A Structure for Unstructured Innovation and many more. As atoms are the most fundamental unit of matter, imagination, more importantly, the ability to imagine is the most fundamental unit for all innovations. The ability to imagine is […]

Bad News is Good News

Most of us don’t like to be bearer of  bad news, neither do we like to hear bad news. However, one of the most important things that you could do is to create a culture where the people you lead feel that it is fine to be the bearer of bad news – the earlier the better. This is critical for the following reasons: If there is any bad news, it is best if we bring it out in the open and deal with it sooner than later. Most bad news are not as bad as they originally seem to […]