Standing out in a World filled with Experts

I read a recent blog post on Gapingvoid based on a quote by Rory Sutherland: “Be good at two things.” – Rory Sutherland I think this is a great advice if we want to stand out in a world filled with experts. If we are an expert in a specific topic, the chances are that we will find thousands more who are either as much an expert in that topic as we are. However, if we combine that expertise with another topic, the chances of finding someone else who has the same two expertise goes down drastically. Add to that […]

How To Be Different and Stand Out

Premise: One of the side effect of the explosion of social media is that every one is trying to be seen (views), heard (downloads) and appreciated (likes/shares). In this constant struggle to be seen/heard/appreciated, everyone is trying to be different and unique and authentic. And that is the true challenge. According to National Human Genome Research institute, “All human beings are 99.9 percent identical in their genetic makeup.” Which means that we are all that different from each other genetically. The 0.1 percent that does differentiate us genetically is influenced by our environment, exposure and experience we have had in […]