5 Rules to Follow – Simon Sinek

I came across this video where Simon Sinek talks about 5 rules to live by. He shares these lessons through some very interesting and compelling stories. I highly encourage to watch the video below (about 18 mins). If you don’t have the 18 mins and want to know what are the 5 rules that he talks about quickly, they are as follows: Go after the things that we want: There are two ways to see the world – to see what we want or to see everything that stands in the way of what we want. Rule is – We can go […]

7 Lessons for CEO’s from Aam Aadmi Party’s Revival in Delhi

In a remarkable feat, upstart political party – Aam Aadmi Party, consisting of non-political contestants swept across the elections for the Delhi Assembly poll. People across the nation had expected them to put a decent fight but not many expected them to win 67 of the 70 assembly seats. What makes this feat even more remarkable is that they did this after suffering a humiliating defeat during the national lok sabha elections that concluded less than a year ago. In my opinion, there are a lot of lessons for CEO and business owners if they understand the way this party transformed […]