Rethinking the Role of a Bank

Can banks transform themselves to remain relevant both in the financial economy and for the network economy? Traditionally, the role of the banks have been to be collect money from people who have money, aggregate the same and loan out the money to people who needed it. The banks were needed as there was no way that people who had money could know about other people who needed the money. Also, banks could assess the risks associated with the loans and cover the risk by way of lower, but guaranteed returns on income for people who deposited cash with the […]

What should twitter do?

Recently, there has been a lot written on Twitter sending emails to users to lure them back to twitter. In my opinion, instead of trying to lure the casual users back to twitter, they should be thinking about why are they not using twitter more often. I know quite a few casual users of twitter and based on my discussions with them, I think twitter should give a thought to the following: 1. A new user generally done not know, what to do once they sign-up. What can twitter do to ease this confusion. They can send a link to […]

The true potential of enterprise mobility

is when you re-think & re-design all your processes, work-flows for a world where everyone (yes, everyone) only uses a mobile device. How will all the processes (purchasing, invoicing, production planning, material handling, etc) change? How will the applications that you use change? How will your ERP system need to change? What will be the effect on how you manage production? How will you service your clients? How and where will your employees work from? What will your reporting change? Will you still require so many middle managers? Mobility offers you this possibility to re-wire, re-design and re-write the DNA of […]

Changing the face of retail distribution of oil in India

I was in Mumbai today and was going back from the airport to my hotel in a cab. The cab driver stopped at a fuel outlet to fill-up his tank. It took us about 15-20 mins to get the tank filled up and start our journey back to the hotel. While waiting, I asked him if we could not fuel up at some other outlet rather than wait in the que at this outlet. He responded that the next petrol outlet was about 5-6 kms away and was not enroute to the hotel. He also said that wherever you go, […]