Importance of Taking a Pause, Reflect and Celebrate the Journey

Premise:   The past few weeks of lockdown have had some kind of impact on each and every one of us. Most of the people that I speak to (and believe me, I speak to a lot of people every single day) tell me that they have become busier, more meetings, more work, more calls. I’ve seen something similar happen to me as well.   Are you busier now than pre Covid?   This is surprising on many levels. One would expect that the exact opposite to happen. Most businesses are closed. Not much is being produced or sold or […]

7 Practices of Highly Inspired People

I have been writing every for this blog for the past 20 days and every time I open up my laptop to write, I don’t necessarily have an idea that I want to write about. I need some kind of an inspiration, some seed of a thought which can then go on to become a blog post. This is what writers call inspiration. As entrepreneurs, we our productivity and effectiveness is at its highest when we are inspired. So it is with our team mates. All creative ideas have an inspiration as their seed. Someone somewhere was inspired by someone/something […]

Importance of Silence and Reflection in the Life of an Entrepreneur

Premise: We are living in a world where there are just too many demands on our attention as entrepreneurs. There is the internal chatter about our people, products, processes, etc. Then there is the external chatter of marketing, networking, selling and to top it all off, there is social media and NEWS (fake or otherwise). Add to this there is a huge movement about increasing productivity. Every other blog (at times, this one included) tries to gives us hacks that can help us increase our productivity. So, in this environment, it is quite natural for us to try to use all […]