The Key to Building High Performing Teams

People will do things that they are measured on, incentivised and that leads to be celebrated by their leaders. Many leaders often make the mistake of misaligning what is measured, incented and celebrated. The key to be intentional about designing behaviors that could unleash the potential for high performance is to ensure that all the three (behavior that is measured, incentivised and celebrated) are completely aligned. This is so simple and maybe that is why so many leaders miss doing this.

How to Communicate like a Leader Worth Following

In this short video, I talk about how every piece of communication could be used to do one of three things: 1. Inform (share information or updates, etc) 2. Influence (Work towards changing the recipients thinking, beliefs or Behavior) 3. Inspire (Transfer of energy, enthusiasm or Hope). You would be better off, if you knew the purpose of each piece of your communication as the way you structure your speech / email / presentation would be very different if its purpose were to inform vs influence or to inspire. Also, our communication (written or oral) has a better chance of […]

Becoming Leaders Worth Following – Learning How to Pay Attention

As a leader, we need to learn how to pay attention. WE could either pay attention like a laser beam (hyper – focused) or like a torch (Exploratory). How we spend our attention determines what we see and therefore how we react. Neither is the right or wrong approach. In order to become leaders worth following, we need to learn when to pay attention like a laser beam and when to do it as a torch. There is only appropriate level of focus for a given situation in a given context towards a given goal. This ability to be able […]

First Principles Based Leadership – Raising Cultural Awareness

Premise In this series of posts about First Principles Based Leadership, we have already covered the importance of and how to improve our self awareness and social awareness. In this post, we will explore the importance of cultural awareness and how can we become more culturally aware. Any and all deep dive into cultural awareness can only start by having worked and improved our self and social awareness. Without high levels of both self and social awareness, it is very difficult to improve our cultural awareness. Before we start delving into this, let’s first understand what is culture and what […]