PBTO1: Launching “Pushing Beyond the Obvious” Podcast

I had earlier announced that I will launch my podcast shortly. Today, is the day when I would like announce the launch of “Pushing Beyond the Obvious” podcast. This is the first episode of the podcast. In this episode, I talk about what this podcast is about and whom is it relevant for. This podcast is relevant to you if: You are an entrepreneur or a CEO You are a manager responsible for sales, marketing, innovation or strategy function in your organization. The podcast provide you insights and strategies on how to push the boundaries of the following functions: Sales […]

Why Do Leaders Fail

  Consider the following facts: The average tenure of CEO’s is reducing (more specifically for fortune 500 companies). The percentage of CEO’s being asked to step down for performance reasons is steadily increasing. Both these statistics point to one thing – many leaders are unable to fulfill their potential and are failing. So, why do leaders fail? There are a lot of studies on this very topic and they have a lot of possible answers. Based on the researcher and their prior understanding, they talk about various reasons for why leaders fail. However, the most important reason why leaders fail […]

Three Key Skills All Great Leaders Share

Everyone at some point in time of their career aspires to become a leader and hence the abundance of research and literature about leadership, different kinds of leadership styles, roles of leaders, skills and tasks of leaders and the list goes on and on. In this vast sea of leadership literature, I want to share my pearls of wisdom as well. In my opinion, every one of us need to be working on ourselves to become a good leader, like everyday. This is not only beneficial when we become a leader, but will enable you to do well in your […]

Being A CEO of an Organization is A Lot Like Driving Your Car

My first boss had once said this – “Running an Organisation as a CEO is like driving a car”. – You need to know your destination. That’s the vision that you have for your organization. Every CEO should have a vision for where they want to steer their organization. They should also articulate this vision to their teams on an ongoing basis. – You need to know the route to your destination or have a map that could guide you to the destination. You should be able to at least see the next 100 feet. CEO’s need not have a […]

The Most Important Decisions That we Make as Leaders

In 2006, I was being interviewed by Saint Gobain Glass for a role in their customer service, production planning and logistics team. I had to go through 2 levels of screening by the HR agency, followed by an aptitude test, an interview with the hiring manager, the HR manager and then finally by the MD himself. I was told that the final interview for every employee hired in the organization was done by the MD himself (it was a 250 employee organization when I was being interviewed), irrespective of the role the employee is being hired for. That did not […]