As Leaders, We all Should Follow Rule No. 6

In his book, “The Art of Possibility“, Ben Zanders offers pearls of wisdom. One of the most important piece of wisdom that we can learn from the book is what he refers to as “Rule No: 6”.   If as leaders, we follow this rule, we could potentially make less mistakes and learn much more from the one’s that we do make; If as parents, we followed this rule, we create the possibility of a long, well nurtured and meaningful relationship with our children; If as spouse, we followed this rule. we can create the possibility of a much more deeper and […]

Great Teams Are a Mix of Old and New

To add to this nice post, I think that the composition of consistently high performing teams is that they have a set of core team members who enjoy working with each other and have worked together for long periods of time thereby developing the ability to understand how each other thinks and depending upon the project, you add new people to the mix to get a breath of fresh thinking into the project. To take the analogy of the broadway or the movie business, you can see that most directors like to work with the same set of people when […]

How can CEO’s Lead in Uncertain Times and Thrive – Great advice from Ram Charan

Ram Charan shares very valuable advice to CEO’s on how to lead your organizations in uncertain times. Do take the time to watch the entire video below. It is worth the time you spend on it. For people who cant watch the entire video, I shall try to summarize a few things that I think are the lessons we can take to lead our organizations in uncertain times. Ability to identify the catalyst for the changes in uncertain time. Mostly this is a person, who through some of his action or leadership creates the seed for changes. If the uncertainty […]

3 things you can do daily to become a highly successful leader

I have come to believe that the things that matter most in any relationship, this includes your relationship with your direct reports as well, is the small things that you do daily. Here are 3 things that you can start doing today to improve your relationship with your team: Talk to everyone in your team at the start of the day. Everyday. This can be for a minute or 5 minutes. But do this as a ritual. You can say hi or ask them how did that meeting go or how was their day yesterday or even inquire about their family if […]

Leading a culture of Innovation

I came across this great video where Kevin & Jackie Freiberg talk about how to lead with a culture of innovation. One thought that stands out for me from this video is one question: What happens if we start a culture of planned obsolescence of all our products? I think this one question will differentiate between companies that will thrive and those that will lose their way! First, lets listen to what they have to say.. [youtube=] Now, I have tried to summarize what the Friebergs talk about below: Innovation happens when you learn to “be comfortable being “uncomfortable””. This […]