Are you Driving Digital Transformation or Leading IT?

I had just shared the impact and influence that Seth Godin has on me and my thinking. Here is his latest observation about leading. On his blog, he writes and I quote, Tug boats don’t usually tug. They push. That’s because pushing is more mechanically efficient than pulling. When we pull, there’s tension and slack in the ropes, and the attachment between the puller and the pushed keeps changing. But the metaphor gets far more interesting when we think about leading instead. One bird at the head of the flock can lead 100 others if they’re enrolled in the journey. […]

The Act of Leading Vs Being a Leader

Premise: I was talking to one of my friends about leadership and what it means to be a leader and is there a distinction between being a leader and the act of leading. What follows is my understanding of the difference. Would be a great to riff at this. Apart from the fact that one is a verb and the other is a noun, there are a few other important things that we need to understand. The Act of Leading: The act of leading implies two things It is an act (with a beginning, middle and an end) It is […]