Reinventing Ourselves

There are times when the environment that we operate in changes so significantly that it requires us to reinvent ourselves (as individuals, leaders and teams). There could also be situations that we end up in which requires us to rethink and reinvent ourselves if we are to remain relevant in the new environment. I currently find myself in one such cross-road where I need to reinvent myself if I want to remain relevant, which I very much want to. This led me to start thinking about what it takes to “Reinvent oneself” and here are my thoughts on this and […]

7 Lessons from an Old Indian Tale

Let me share a story with you… The story of three donkeys, their master and a wise man! Once upon a time, a long time ago, there was a young man who lived in a small village. He owned three donkeys and used them to carry loads for people. One fine day, he was walking along a river towards his destination. The sun was at its peak and it was extremely hot. The cool river water was tempting. He decided that he wanted to take a bath in the cool river water. So, he started tying up his donkey’s to […]