Before Doing, There is Being

Last evening I was having trouble getting to sleep. So, I got up and went down to the swimming pool area and sat down on the chair next to the pool. I was not carrying my phone or a book or anything else with me. It was just me, nature and the sound of water flowing from the pool. There was something soothing about this soft noise of flowing water and moonlight. I think I sat there enjoying the moon light, a light breeze and the sound of flowing water for about half an hour. It felt like forever. I […]

Leadership Effectiveness – Questions to Ask of Ourselves

As leaders, the way we behave when we are alone or amongst a group is always noticed by everyone around and has an impact whether we like it or not and whether it is intentional or not. So, it is better to be intentional about the kind of impact that we want to have rather than leave that to chance. So, in order to learn how to go about being intentional about the impact my emotions have on people around me, I registered and attended a session on Emotional Intelligence and how we can use the concepts and frameworks to […]

Skills, Attitudes and Habits that Make Us Better Leaders

We all know (either by experience or by research) that people who like us and trust us are much more likely to work with us or refer us or our services to their peers, friends and social circles. In his book “Top of Mind“, John Hall talks about some rules, skills and habits that can help us become more likeable, trust worthy and top-of-mind, as he calls. These are: Shift the spotlight: This is easy to say but extremely difficult to do. A lot of us enjoy being in the spotlight and find it difficult to leave it, let along […]