Are You An Amateur or a Professional?

Today, I read a post by Shane Parrish on his Farnam Street blog and couldnt resist sharing this with you. He tries to explain why some people are ultra successful and some are not, despite having similar knowledge or experience. He goes on to share that one of the defining aspect that can explain this difference – Mindset. [bctt tweet=”How we see ourselves matters” username=”rmukeshgupta”] If we consider ourselves professionals, our chances of success goes up significantly. So, what makes one an amateur or a professional. Below is his take on the difference between amateurs and professionals. Most of us […]

PBTO18: In Conversation with Howard Moskowitz and Stephen Rappaport Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Email | RSSWho is on the show today: In today’s episode, we host Dr. Howard Moskowitz and Stephen Rappaport. Dr. Howard is a market researcher and psychophysicist. He is best known for the detailed study he made of the types of spaghetti sauce and horizontal segmentation. He is CEO of i-Novation Inc & has written/edited sixteen books, and has published more than 300 articles.   Steve consults and writes about brand growth through consumer insight, digital strategy and measurement.  He is the author of 3 books The Online Advertising Playbook, Listen First! and his latest one being The […]