Hiring Anyone Who Applies for a Job

As part of my reading list, I stumbled on to a post that talks about a bakery that gives a job to anyone who applies – no interview, no background checks, no drug tests, nothing. You enrol on a list and whenever an opening arises, the person at the top of the list is offered that job. Simple. They start as an apprentice for a 10 month period, post which they get an entry level job at the bakery. They practice Open Hiring.  This made me think. {I know ?}. I can already think of a 100 different reasons that […]

How to Overcome Barriers to Innovation In Your Organisation

Premise: Every organisation wants to innovate and they all have people with enough ideas to fuel their innovation efforts, but somewhere these ideas get stifled and innovation ends up remaining an intent only. So, what is it that stops organisations to innovate and is there a way to systematically remove these barriers? Overcoming the Bias for Creativity: Dr Jennifer Mueller, in her book Creative Change has shown that we are inherently biased against creativity, as individuals and as organisations. She explains that when it comes to evaluating interesting & creative ideas, we can fall into one of two mindsets – […]

Helping a 1000 Entrepreneurs

When I was running my business in Salem, a decade back, I did not have mentors or coaches that I could reach out seeking help or guidance. Being an entrepreneur can get very lonely. Today, the situation has changed significantly. There are a lot of mentors and coaches are available for startup founders and entrepreneurs to connect, learn and achieve the results that they want to. I have had my share of mentors as well – some whom I have worked with directly and learnt a lot, some whom I have learnt by following them and their work. I wanted […]

PBTO12: Making Breakthrough Innovations Happen with @PorusMunshi

http://traffic.libsyn.com/pushingbeyondtheobvious/12_PBTO12__Making_Breakthrough_Innovations_Happen_with_PorusMunshi.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Email | RSSWho is on the show today: In today’s episode, we have Porus Munshi, author of the best selling book “Making Breakthrough Innovations Happen”. Why is he on the show I have worked with Porus on an innovation project and from experience know that he is a great coach and has the uncanny ability to guide the teams to achieve their goals without any compromises. His understanding of the breakthrough or leapfrog innovation process is very deep and I have learnt a lot in every conversation that i have had with him […]