Great resources to create sticky presentations

Each and every one of us in the profession of selling, end up presenting (either about the products or solutions that we are selling, or about the company we represent or to showcase ourselves). And most of us still struggle even after years of delivering presentations for a living. Hence, the term, death-by-powerpoints. This is a key skill and something that we need to continuously  work upon. In Stephen Covey’s words  -“Sharpen the saw”! After having gone through a lot of reading, listening and presenting, I have realized the following: I deliver great presentations if I don’t use the standard slides […]

How to deliver a killer presentation

Today, I was going through my video collections and stumbled upon the video of my (6 year old) son’s graduation day speech which he delivered using a power point slide show. Now that I watch the video and remember the slides that he used (which I prepared for him with my wife), I can not help but get awed at the enormous potential we all possess as children. As my son was 6 year old when he delivered the presentation, we could not use bullet points or text in the slides.  We were forced to use only pictures that we […]