Failure and Success

Failure is often considered to be the opposite of success. However, truly successful people know that failure is an integral part of any success! It’s very rare indeed that someone finds success without meeting failure along the way. If they do, the success doesn’t last as long as they would like it to! So, we would do well to learn how to look at failure and how we deal with it when we come face to face with it. When we do come face to face with failure, it would be great to look to what we can learn from […]

Bear it with a Smile and Learn from Mistakes

Julia Child was a phenomenal cook and a TV personality. This is a quote from her book – My Life in France: Usually one’s cooking is better than one thinks it is. And if the food is truly vile, then the cook must simply grit her teeth and bear it with a smile, and learn from her mistakes. – Julia Child, My life in france In my experience, what she said about one’s cooking is true about every aspect of our lives. We are usually better leaders that we give ourselves credit for, we are better person that we give […]