First Step in the Journey Towards Becoming a Real-time Business

There is a lot of talk about Real-time data and how real-time data can provide organizations to be able to respond in near real-time to business events. However, to realize such a vision, there is a lot that needs to change in the way we do business. One of the most basic thing that needs to change is how we run our business itself. Most organizations currently operate in the mode where the decision making sits at the top of the hierarchy. We have a C-Suite where we have the Chief Executives, who decide the strategy and roll-it out for […]

Whats the future of business?

The future of business is real time. What does it take to run a real-time business? In my opinion, if one wants to create a business that is run in real-time, they need to take inspiration from how professional sports teams are run. CEO plays the role of the general managers of the team, answerable to the owners (board of directors or shareholders), have a vision for the team and communicate it to the clearly to coaches and players. The coach is responsible for the team composition and with the support team is primarily responsible for one thing only – train the […]