Effective Leadership is about Connecting People with Purpose, Ideas and Resources

Leaders are most effective when they are able to connect people they lead to a larger purpose (larger than all of us), connect people with different ideas so there can be better ideas and finally provide them with the requisite resources to bring those ideas alive. A ll this, while creating an environment or a culture of trust, inclusion and accountability. Even when one of these ingredients is missing, the effectiveness of the leaders takes a nose dive. This also means that it is the responsibility of the leaders to remove any and all obstacles that present themselves in the […]

Always be Recruiting

One of our primary responsibilities as leaders is to assemble the best team possible to achieve the results that we want to achieve as a team. This means that we are constantly looking to figure out what kind of person can elevate the performance of the team as a whole. Once we understand this, we can then be always on the lookout for the talent that we need. You will be surprised how you can find the right talent in all the potentially wrong places or places where we are not looking. The key here is that we are always […]

The Responsibilities of a Leader

Observe: As leaders it is our responsibility to observe what is happening inside the organisation, within his team, with the people who we are leading. It is our responsibility to observe what is happening at the periphery of our organisation, with our customers (internal or external). And to observe what is happening within the industry that we operate in and at the intersections of the different industries that we might be participating in. And lastly to observe what is happening at the societal level. We can use all the different tools that are at our disposal for this. We can […]