4 Simple Questions That Can Re-vitalise Growth for Your Cash Cow

Every organisation that has seen some success has some form of a cash cow, which continues to grow and provide the fuel necessary for the organisation to invest in new products or services, which can bring in the next level of growth for the organisation. It is also inevitable that at some point in time the growth in the cash cow would slow down. If by that time, the organisation doesn’t already have another product/service that can take the place of the cash cow, then the organisation is in troubled waters, when it comes to continuing to grow. The general […]

Fighting Complexity By Embracing Simplicity

  According to the “Simplifying the Future of Work Study,” a survey conducted by Knowledge@Wharton and SAP, fighting complexity has become a strategic corporate imperative. You can find a link to the whitepaper which details the responses and the results here. The question that I would like to ponder here is the following: How does complexity creep into every aspect of our lives and what can we do about it In my opinion, every landscape (including IT landscape, process landscape, political landscape, personal landscape) is just like a garden. If we want to keep our gardens clean and well looked after, we […]

25 Insanely Interesting People I Came Across in 2014

One of the goals that i had for 2014 was to discover new people and learn from new sources. I must say that I was fortunate enough to discover these people online and learn so much from them. So, here is a list of some of the insanely interesting people that i came across in 2014. I do hope you will find some of these people and the great work that they are doing interesting enough to start following them. Bernadette Jiwa: She has a great blog called “The Story of Telling“. This is one of the best blogs that […]

European courts allow online re-sale of Oracle software

In a landmark decision, the European Court of Justice dealt a major blow to Oracle on Tuesday, ruling that the software maker cannot block the resale of its software online. More information about the news @ http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/d54ff9e6-c515-11e1-b6fd-00144feabdc0.html#axzz1zo4cMsO3 What does this mean for other software makers like SAP or Microsoft? I am truly surprised by the ruling. This does not answer many questions like How does the vendor keep track of who is the current user of the software? What happens to the Support fee? How can you track if a customer has made copies of the software? What happens in a case where […]