Lessons from Orchestra Conductors

In a recent blog post, Sethi Godin talks about how the famous conductors (orchestra) seem to be the only person on the orchestra that don’t make any sound at all and yet are the most important person on the team. He says, and I quote, Famous conductors are often judged for an hour or two on stage. They wear expensive clothes, make dramatic gestures and receive ovations. They also get paid a lot to carry a very little stick and they’re the only one on stage who doesn’t make noise. But it turns out that none of these things are […]

3 Ways to Trick Ourselves to do What We Hold Most Important

One thing that I have understood very clearly after reading the research from various behavioural scientist is that, we as a race still haven’t developed the ability to decide when presented with complex choices. Another insight that i have from this body of work is that it is easier to hack our environment, thereby hacking our behaviour than directly attempting to hack or modify our behaviour. Our ancestors intuitively understood a lot of these phenomenon and created cultures full of ceremonies and rituals. Ceremonies and rituals that allow us to do what is good for the group and for ourselves. […]