Emergent Leadership

Leaders must adopt emergent leadership in a rapidly changing world with new workforce expectations, technological advancements, and increasing competition. Becoming intentional, aware, and capable of sense-making is key, alongside viewing actions as experiments and monitoring for unintended consequences, thus necessitating continuous dynamic adaptation and a cultural shift away from rigid planning towards empowerment and engagement.

SenseMaking for Leaders

Premise: One of the key tasks that leaders face is to make sense of all the different things that are happening around them – the shifting technology, geopolitical and competitive landscapes and respond (or find the opportunity within the context) appropriately. Nitin Nohria also writes about this in a HBR Magazine article titled – Leaders Must React. You can read the article in the magazine or online here. He also shares a framework called “The Reactive Management Framework”. The framework clearly looks at the various signals that leaders need to process and make sense along from the perspective of how […]

Leading Successfully in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Premise: I was talking to a friend, who is also the President of a mid-sized business earlier today and we were discussing his role as a leader of the organisation. He was recently promoted to this new role and was sharing some of his challenges with me. One of the things that he shared was the speed at which everything is changing and how difficult it has become for him to not only keep track of all of these changes but also to respond to them intelligently and in a way that drives the business outcome that he is trying […]

What differentiates Average Leaders from Good Leaders?

One of the characteristics that differentiates good leaders from average leaders is their ability to develop a T shaped characteristics. So, what does being T shaped mean? There are three characteristics when it comes to being a T shaped leader – Linking, Thinking and Doing. Linking Linking is all about the ability to link disparate things together to come up with novel ideas. This is the ability of mix and match both common things but even more importantly things that are not necessarily seen as matching. This is also the ability to cross-pollinate ideas, people and thought processes. This is […]