A Mobile App to check your eye-sight

Just read about a mobile phone app for smart phones, that the MIT media lab researchers have developed which when coupled with a small plastic device, can be used by anyone to determine their eyeglass prescription. In the video below, Ramesh Raskar, explains the concept of the device + app combination and how it can diagnose your eyeglass prescription.

This was unveiled in July last year and is still in prototype. If successful, this could just be the beginning of a solution to one of the world’s biggest challenge – making healthcare available for the vast majority of the world’s developing countries. This can solve the challenge to scale the healthcare solutions across to geographically diverse locations.

It is absolutely important for these folks to be able to take this innovation to market. This will require them to innovate on the business model (including, distribution, training, etc) to be successful in the market. 

This is the kind of innovation that can make the world a better place to live !!!!!

Here’s wishing them all the very best!!!