A Prime Example of Human Creativity, Ingenuity and Resilience

I came across this music video that made me sit up and brought a big, wide, smile. Watch it first here.

This is a prime example of what happens when you bring together people who are willing to test boundaries, explore, stay curious and above all want to express themselves. The choreography, music, the interaction between the panes is simple yet comes alive.


Who said that you can’t make music videos when you are physically distanced. Nothing needs to and will stop because of the physical distancing that the pandemic has created.


Here is another example of a film made entirely from actors working in their respective homes and never coming together, yet bring alive a story, albeit a simple and small story.

In conclusion, the question we need to ask ourselves are the following:

    So, what are we doing to push boundaries?

    How are we going to get together despite being away from each other? 

    What are we going to create despite the physical distancing and with whom?