Addressing the Elephant in the Room


One of the responsibility of a leader is to be able to tell people what they think about them, their potential, performance and presence. Sometimes it is good news and sometimes not so.

It is easy when we it is good news. So, we tend to share this often and easily. However, it is difficult to share the bad news and many leaders tend to post-pone this conversation as it is uncomfortable, both for them and to those they are delivering it.

However, the more we delay sharing the bad news, the worse it gets and the more difficult it gets. So, it is easiest to talk about it when it is right at the moment when we realise that we need to have this conversation.

Here are a few things that have helped me be candid with the people and share the news:

1. Having the best interest of the person at heart (Empathise)

Any news delivered to anyone in our team not coming from a place of their best interest (good or bad) will be received badly. So, it is important that we keep their success at heart. So, the first step in the process is to stop ourselves and check if the feedback is in the best interest of the person who will receive it.

2. What we say and how we say it (Personalise)

The next step in the process is for us to decide on the content of what we want to share and the vehicle using which we share it with them.

Sometimes, it is better to lay it out as it is with absolute honesty. Sometimes, it is better to share it with some humour (self deprecating humour).

Sometimes, it is better to share it with a personal story. Sometimes, it is better to share it with empathy and curiosity. Each situation and person is different and hence requires a different approach.

3. Take responsibility (Responsible):

As leaders, it is our responsibility to help everyone we lead to become their best selves. So, if there is something stopping that from becoming a reality, it is as much our responsibility as it is theirs to remove the obstacle or provide the right kind of opportunities and environment for them to shine.

If for any reason, we are unable to provide that, it is then our responsibility to let them know about this and help them find a place where they can thrive. As Simon Sinek says, “Being a leader is not being in-charge, but is about being responsible for those who are in our charge”.

In conclusion:

In conclusion, I believe that our success as a leader is only when everyone whom we lead is succeeding and is becoming better and the best versions of themselves.

In the style of Swami Vivekanand,

“Arise, Awake and stop not till everyone in your charge is becoming their best selves”.

Mukesh GUpta