Being Accepting of Defeat is Necessary To Be Accepting of Victory – Bruce Lee

I stumbled onto the scene in which Bruce Lee talks about winning and losing, about the art of dying. Before we go any further, take the time to watch the clip here.

The wisdom shared is profound in its simplicity and simple in its profundity.

Win or lose, Live or die, creative or boring – they are all two sides of the same coin. One can’t come without the other. If we don’t accept one, it’s too difficult to get the other as well.

As he says, learning to die is to be liberated from it. What I take it to mean is that once we learnt to accept death or defeat or boredom, we are liberated from the fear of them.

And when we are not afraid, we are more likely to embrace them and as a result embrace the win or life or the creative force.

So, the question is the following:

What is it that you need to accept in your life so that you are liberated from its fear?