Being Super Busy or Being Super Effective

As leaders, we tend to be busy people, moving from one meeting to the next. In all the hustle and bustle of this busy life, we need to remember that being busy is not our goal, being effective is.

Sometimes, in order for us to be effective, we need to find open time on our calendars, time when we can deliberate and make sense of the context in which we are operating.

Sometimes, in order for us to be effective, we need to find open time on our calendars, time we use to explore new ideas, to accept new opportunities as and when the present themselves and to think about better problems to solve.

I would even go to the extent to say that always busy executives or leaders are failing to be effective. The higher up we are in the ladder, the more time we need to have to think about the future and spent in looking for better opportunities than in actual day-to-day, transactional activities.

So, are you being super busy or being super effective?

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