Lessons in Creativity and Leadership

The team at FilmBilder has done it again. They have created another fun way to depict an important concept in a fun and engaging way. Have a look at the video before we can go further. What I learnt from the video: 1) The most important criteria for creativity to flourish is the presence of exploration and fun. True innovation happens when we step back from our routine. Creative ideas come when we are looking to have fun while working. 2) Creative ideas will start off by causes some disruption or negative effect before it can effect positive change and […]

Ancient Wisdom for Modern Life – Qualities of a Good Leader

Of late, I have been reading some of the old Indian texts written by sages and wise men. One such work is a section within the larger epic poem “Mahabharata” called Vidur Puran. This section is a conversation between a distressed king and one of his wise ministers. The king knows that the action he is willing to take is probably not the right action but wants to hear that it is ok from the wise minister. In this wide ranging conversation, the king asks a lot of questions around life and how to lead a life of virtue and […]

What Do You Do when you are stressed

Premise: We all live in a world where we have stressors all around us and our ability to manage stress becomes an element that determines how successful we are in whatever we do. Managing Stress: As with everything else in life, stress also has two faces. One kind of stress allows us to be alert and in the moment and leads us to be at our best. The other kind of stress takes a toll on our abilities and leads us to perform at far lower levels than we are capable of. The truth of the matter is that it […]

5 Traits That Separate the Best Sales Managers from Average One’s

Premise: As the profession of sales evolves, new younger employees are welcomed in the sales force, the sales managers need to evolve with the change as well. Here are some skills that set certain sales managers apart from all others. 1. Tech savvy: With more and more millennials entering the sales force, they bring with them the expectation of leveraging technology in everything that they want to do. If as a sales manager, you are not able to keep pace with them, you could potentially lose respect in their eyes. In addition, it is a fact that good sales managers […]

Rule #51 – Sometimes You Are Wrong

NCIS & Leroy Jethro Gibbs I am a big fan of the television series “NCIS” and have watched every single episode that has been released. There are 15 seasons and about 24 episodes in every reason and each episode is about 40 minutes long. You can do the math – the amount of time that I have spent watching this television series. I love this series because i like the central characters, specifically, the larger than life character – Leroy Jethro Gibbs. One of the reason I like him is because of his steadfast character, his loyalty & the loyalty […]