10 Lessons in Leadership from Amitabh Bachchan’s first movie – Saat Hindustani

Premise: I have always been wanting to watch Amitabh Bachchan‘s first movie – Saat Hindustani (7 Indians). The story of the movie is how a band of 7 Soldiers wreak havoc in Portuguese occupied Goa and show to the Goans that they are also a part of India and that India had not forgotten their Goan siblings in their fight for freedom. As I watched the film, I could not notice but see a few things that we can all learn from. I would like to share the same here: The movie starts off with a large group of Indian […]

In Diversity, We Trust

Premise: There is a lot of talk about the importance of building diversity in our workforce and how it is to be considered as an investment in top talent, new ideas, and better connections. Then there is a lot of talk about integrating millennials in our workforce and giving them a lot of exposure and opportunities to bring in their perspective to the business. Both of these are great thoughts and in principle sound extremely sound ideas to implement. However, most organisations need to be careful about how they go about implementing these within their organisations. The first question we […]

Making the upcoming year our best year ever by becoming the best version of ourselves

First things first… “Wishing you all a very happy 2018 & a year full of wishes coming true! And a big, heartfelt thanks for allowing me to be a part of your life, by giving your time and attention (two of your most important resources) to my work. I truly appreciate this and will always strive to be worthy of this attention. Now, let me get to the reason, why I am writing this post. With every new year comes new year resolutions, goals and aspirations to make the coming year, the best year ever. There are many people who […]

The Art Of Making Progress

Making progress is about knowing what you have and making the most of it… Making progress is about moving in the direction that we want to move, irrespective of the circumstances.. Making progress is about knowing when to stop, step back and re-think about where you are going.. Making progress is about keeping our heads down and keeping at it.. Making progress is about knowing what we can’t influence and what we can and influencing what we can influence. We spend a lot of time thinking about how to change things that are often out of our control, instead of […]