Declaration of Independence – Here is to the Crazy One’s

  One of my favourite ads of all time is the Apple ad – “Here’s to the crazy one’s“. This advertisement is a call to action to all of us who have a creative spark, an idea, the yearning to do something good, the frustration that we are wasting our lives the way we are living them. A lot of us are making a living not living the life that we truly want to live. I am not calling all of us to leave our jobs or to start a company or to disrupt everything. No. That is not the […]

Avoiding Overwhelm – Managing the Workload of Being a Leader

One of the challenges that all entrepreneurs face is managing the workload. Being an entrepreneur is not easy. It takes a lot of time, energy, effort and attention. In this short video, Amy Jen Su, shares her perspective of how can we manage our workload and still have peace of mind and not get overwhelmed. She shares the 4P’s that we need to work on individually in order to achieve the 5th P (Peace of Mind): Personal Operating system: What she means is how we do operate as an individual. Do we have a single place where we capture everything […]

Your First 100 Days

Premise: I was teaching a set of people principles of intrapreneurship and at the end of the class, some one came up and asked me for help. He said that he has got a new role as a product manager in his current organisation and is not sure what he can do in the first 100 days to help put him on the path of success in his new role. Here is the advice I had for him. Be a Visionary Leader: This works if you are being brought into the role from outside of the organisation. One reason why […]

PBTO55: Unleashing Human Performance with Jason Forrest (@jforrestspeaker)

Credits: Opening music credit goes to Riju Mukhopadhyay & Pavan Cherukumilli Who is on the show: In this power packed episode, we host Jason Forrest, the CEO and the Chief Culture officer at the FPG group. As a sales professional, author, speaker, and coach, Jason’s job is to empower professionals and executives to unleash their human performance and master their leadership skills in sales, management, culture and service; for the purpose of increasing profit through people. Why is he on the show: He is a salesperson first, a behavior change expert, a national speaker and a coach who pushes organisations to become highly profitable while […]

PBTO53: Deep Work: How to do work that Matters with Cal Newport

Who is on the show: In this episode we host, Cal Newport. He is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at Georgetown University. In addition to studying the theoretical foundations of our digital age, Newport also writes about the impact of these technologies on the world of work. Why is he on the show: His most recent book, Deep Work, argues that focus is the new I.Q. in the modern workplace and that the ability to concentrate without distraction is becoming increasingly valuable. He previously wrote So Good They Can’t Ignore You, a book which debunks the long-held belief that “follow your passion” is good advice, […]