Don’t Come to Me with a Problem

I have heard many leaders use some variation of this quote with their sub-ordinates. In the video below, coach Marshall Goldsmith and Sam Shriver share why this is probably the worst thing that a leader can do to their sub-ordinates and their companies. Please take the time to watch the video before we continue our conversation. This video is part of a series of conversation that both these gentlemen have and I think it is worth your time to listen to the entire series. But for now, lets focus our attention on this particular topic at hand. When you dig […]

Giving Ourselves the Best Gift Ever Possible

I recently watched this video from Apostolos on the Design Collector Feed. Apart from being a visually stunning piece of work, the video also talks about a very important, if not the most important thing that each and everyone of us should never forget – to live in the moment and be fully present in the NOW. Before I go further, request you to take the 3 minutes and 47 seconds to watch and listen to the video first. Splendor of Existence from Apostolos Stefanopoulos on Vimeo. Its that time of the year, when we are either reflecting on what […]

Best Among What I Read Today, The Leadership edition – Jan 1st 2017

I read a lot and on diverse topics. I used to share all the interesting stuff on Twitter and Facebook, but realised that searching for them at a later point (in case someone wants to find out more or I want to connect with someone) became extremely difficult. Also, my friends said that it is easier for them if they can find all the interesting stuff that i find in one place so that they can visit one single post and decide to read something that they find interesting as well. Hence, going forward, on days that i read and […]

Am I A Leader? 

I was asked this question once – Are you a leader?  It doesn’t seem to be a question that warrants a lot of thought and insight. However, for some reason, I decided to give it a lot of thought and try to come up with reasons why I consider myself to be a leader.  Empathetic: As long as you are able to understand and empathize with people, you already have what it takes to become a leader. This is probably the most significant skill that is required for any one to succeed as a leader.  Once you stop being empathetic, […]

7 Lessons in Leadership, Diversity And a Culture of Learning from an Animated Short Film

I stumbled upon a short animated video which did such a great job of showcasing the kind of leadership and a learning culture that will be needed to succeed in a workplace – which operates in a volatile business environment, has a multi-generational workforce and wants to thrive by moving forward. Before we can continue, pls take the two or so minutes to watch the video below.   I hope you enjoyed the video, without having to think about and trying to learn something from the video. In this video: The younger one represents the younger employees in your organisation. The Older […]