Changing the World needs us to change the way it works…

One of the things that almost every entrepreneur does, whether they start out thinking about doing it or not, is that they change the world that they are a part of.

Here is a short movie that illustrates a shares a very important point about changing the world:

If we want to change the world, we need to change the way it works!

The movie shows that it is our responsibility to not only understand how the world works but also to take responsibility to break away from the norm (if required) and bring about the change that we believe should happen.

AIME is an organisation that is working to bring mentors to under-previleged kids in school so as to enable them to give them a chance to succeed. They started out in Australia and now want to go global. They are looking for people in the age group of 18 – 30 who could become volunteers of the organisation and take their model global.

So, if you are between 18 and 30 years old, and would like to take this leap and work at changing the world, you can apply to be a mentor. If you are not in the age group and would still like to work, you could either share their story (low touch) or explore other ways to support them here as a partner or as a friend.

As Seth Godin says, Drip, Drip, Drip and you have something that can change the world.