Declaration of Independence – Here is to the Crazy One’s


One of my favourite ads of all time is the Apple ad – “Here’s to the crazy one’s“. This advertisement is a call to action to all of us who have a creative spark, an idea, the yearning to do something good, the frustration that we are wasting our lives the way we are living them. A lot of us are making a living not living the life that we truly want to live.

I am not calling all of us to leave our jobs or to start a company or to disrupt everything. No. That is not the idea. And yes, if that is what we want to do, by all means we should be free to do so.

The idea is that we should not restrict ourselves and our creativity but embrace and celebrate our creativity and be comfortable with our weirdness or our onlyness. As James Victore says – “What made you weird as a kid is what makes you great now”

The idea is not to conform to a specific stereotype, just because it is the safe thing to do.

The idea is to bring our full selves to whatever we are trying to do and allow or inspire others to do so as well.

The idea is that we allow our ideas to come to life in whatever shape, form or factor that they want to come out.

The idea is about bringing a lot of energy and having fun in whatever we are doing for the majority of our lives (work).

Declaration of Independence:

So, here is the Declaration of Independence for the crazy one’s:

  1. We believe that it is our fundamental right to have fun, be creative and be happy at work.
  2. We believe that it is our right to bring our ideas to table irrespective of our race, colour, sex, designation, experience or sexual orientation and get a fair hearing.
  3. We believe that it is our right to do work that is meaningful to us (as part of our regular jobs or outside of the jobs).
  4. We believe that it is our right to be treated based on the merits of our ideas and actions and not based on any other criteria.
  5. We believe that it is our right to question the status quo.
  6. We believe that it is our right to attempt to change the world – one person, one idea and one day at a time.
  7. We believe that it is our right to question & stand up against things that we believe are not right.
  8. We believe that it is our responsibility to create this culture ourselves and stand up for other creatives and crazy ones.
  9. We believe that it is our responsibility to promote other crazy one’s in their journey.
  10. We believe that it is our responsibility to spread the word and help every crazy one sign-up to unleash their creativity and craziness on this world.

This declaration of independence is as much important for each one of us, the crazy one’s, but also to every one of our family members,  friends, colleagues and the managers. If you know someone who wants to unleash themselves and their creativity in the world, allow them the freedom to do so. Instead of convincing them to take the safe and secure way and to conform to a sterotype, encourage them take their own path to their own future.

Lets go change things!

Lets go change the world for the better!

Most importantly, Lets start doing and being !!