Doing Work that Matters with @JamesVictore

I am a big fan of the work that James Victore puts out. Fan enough to back him and his work on Patreon. He was recently described as “part Darth Vader, part Yoda,”. You can make out his work the moment you see it. Its that distinctive and that real. 

He is original, has a point-of-view and is never afraid of sharing it. He is also immensely creative. He is a good artist, a great teacher and an even better role-model, if we want to do work that matters. 

In this video (at Do Lectures), he shares his approach to do work that matters. By talking about his work (in particular), he wants to inspire us all to do work that matters to us (appeal to the universal). 

If you want to do work that matters (to you), you need to 

  1. Know what matters to you. 
  2. Define what you want to do and own it in your own way
  3. Have a perspective
  4. Never be shy of sharing the perspective
  5. Have an unmistakable stamp on your work
  6. Never compromise on your best work
  7. Ask for what you want
  8. Look for great clients / partners to do great work. Average clients demand average work. 

As he says, go do work that matters (to You). 

You can follow him on twitter and if you like what you see, pls consider supporting his work on Patreon here