Flourish or Perish – We will be doing it Together

This TED talk by former CEO of Patagonia shows the scale of what is possible, if we have the vision and the leadership skills in place.

Kristine Tompkins shares her journey from being a corporate CEO to being a nature conservationist. She shares the extent of the impact that one can have if only we are committed to the cause.

She and her now deceased husband – Doug went about doing what they thought was the best thing to heal the planet. They put the larger good of our planet at the center of their lives for the past few decades.

The question that I am asking myself is the following –

“What can I do to make this a better place for all of us?”

– Mukesh Gupta

The answer that I come back to again and again is that I want to be a student teacher.

I want to be a student and at the same time also a teacher. I want to continue to learn and traverse the path towards wisdom and help guide others who want to follow the path. I know that being a teacher inherently requires me to be a student as well. I am willing to dedicate my life to learning, being a student and attempting to be a good teacher.

When your time comes, my humble request and hope is that you will choose something to dedicate your life to. Something that will nourish your soul and make this world a better place for your having lived here.

As Kris says, “Flourish or Suffer – we will be doing it together”. There is no escaping that.