How Conflicts can Super-charge Our business with Liz Kislik

Who is on the show:

In this episode we host Liz Kislik, For 30 years as a management consultant, executive coach, and facilitator, Liz has focused on advancing business results for her clients. She develops higher performing workforces for leading organizations, from the Fortune 500 and national non-profits to family-run businesses.

Why is she on the show:

Over the years Liz has coached and mentored employees from the C-suite to the contact center — vice presidents, human resource professionals, and department supervisors — motivating them with her wit, wisdom, and humanity. She also is the author of the Workplace Wisdom blog, where she offers valuable perspectives and tips for developing leaders, managing teams, and improving the customer experience.

What did I learn from the conversation:

  • There is nothing like hearing a truly happy or truly unhappy customers.
  • Listening to customers, happy or unhappy and following up on the feedback creates advocates.
  • The need to be heard, completely, is an inherent human need. This is something that we miss during the regular business day. This is the reason why we miss the true context and creates unsaid conflicts.
  • We all live in a world of our own making and think that everyone else around us is also in the same world, while they are living in their own world. This is the foundational cause for all potential conflict and also has within itself the potential of differing perspectives that can help us grow and learn.
  • There are arguments all around us, including with ourselves.
  • “What do you think?” – the four most important words you can utter. And the true power of the question manifests when you shut up and listen completely to the answer to the question.
  • 5 minutes that can have significant impact
  • 5 steps of dealing with conflict
  • When are Conflicts are destructive and when are they productive
  • Lack of conflict is an indication of trouble (one way or other)

Resources referred to:

What is so Obvious that people miss all the time:

  • Everyone has something to contribute. Upto us to mine that.

How can you reach her:

You can connect with Liz here or read her blog here. You can also watch her TEDx Talk here.

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