Leading a culture of Innovation

I came across this great video where Kevin & Jackie Freiberg talk about how to lead with a culture of innovation.

One thought that stands out for me from this video is one question:

What happens if we start a culture of planned obsolescence of all our products?

I think this one question will differentiate between companies that will thrive and those that will lose their way!

First, lets listen to what they have to say..

Now, I have tried to summarize what the Friebergs talk about below:

  • Innovation happens when you learn to “be comfortable being “uncomfortable””. This is the zone where you try to explore & surprise yourselves with what comes out of being in that state.
  • Innovation happens when, as a leader, you decide, commit & involve yourself to solve real world 
  • Deciding ideas to pursue using the following principles:
    • Is it real?
    • Can we win?
    • Is it worth doing?
  • Address the real problem, which means that you need to dig deep to find the real problem and not address the symptoms (greatly explained by the example of the British Railways).
  • The most important thing for innovation is “a culture obsessed with innovation”. Hopefully, you dont have people “who have quit but stayed”!
  • Create an environment where your employees get engaged and connected or “pockets of innovation”
  • Organizations who try to protect their markets typically end-up losing track as they are more interested in protecting their today against betting for tomorrow.
  • As organizations, be ready and willing to disrupt yourself. It is much better than being disrupted by some other organization.
  • Innovators find new opportunities in the confluence of “either” “or” mindset. Instead try using “and”.
  • What happens if we start a culture of “Planned obsolescence” just like in the food industry. Will that make us more innovative? Will that make us more open to ideas that could potentially disrupt your own organization or products.
  • Diversity is key..

What do you think about the concepts being shared by the Friebergs? Do you agree? What other things do you think are necessary in order to lead an organization with a culture of innovation.

Please share your thoughts as comments below or tweet me your thoughts @rmukeshgupta.