Learning How Our Brain Learns, Unlearns and Learns Again

I stumbled upon this amazing video which I think clearly articulates how our brain works, with respect to learning new skills. Before I share what I learnt from the video, I will strongly recommend that you watch the video first.

What I learnt from watching the video:

  1. Our brains are lazy in a way. Brains are engaged when we try to learn something and once we do, ie, we create a neural pathway, it starts using that pathway for that task as a default without giving it any other thought, until it perceives a threat in continuing to using the same neural pathway, upon which, it again starts giving the task its full attention. This is very much like any an organisation going into a status quo and needs a real shake down to move away from that status quo.
  2. Unlearning something is extremely difficult. One cant just unlearn something. We need to learn something else that can replace the old learning. It takes even more effort than learning something to start with. It takes a lot more persistence, grit and time to unlearn something.
  3. Kids are extremely good at learning, unlearning and learning something again faster than an adult brain. This means that we need to help kids learn and absorb as much as they can while they are kids. The best time to learn a new language or a skill is while we were a kid.
  4. The capacity to learn something new or unlearn something that we have learnt in the past that no longer works is ever present in all of us. It might just take some more effort and time and persistence than if we were a kid. So, the next best time to learn something new is now.

In Conclusion:

There is nothing that our brains cant process or learn, given enough time, effort, persistence and practice. It is extremely difficult to break any skill or habit or a way of life, so we need to be extra careful and be deliberate in what we allow to come into our lives.

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