My 3 Words for 2017

We just welcome a new year and I am sure there are a lot of people who have already decided what change they would like to bring to their lives in 2017. Some set themselves SMART goals and some set themselves generic resolutions.

When it comes to new year resolutions or making personal change happen, I have believed in identifying a core theme for the year and decide some areas of life that I want to change. This is similar to the 3 words phenomenon started by Chris Brogan.

You can find the three words of Chris Brogan, Mitch Joel and a lot of others here.

My theme for the year is “Consistency”.

One of the biggest challenges that i have had in the past couple of years was that I would start something with a lot of interest and commitment and during the course of the execution, I would have a mis-step and then lose the track completely. My friends and close family members have also given me the feedback that, what I really lack is consistency, in everything that I do.

So, this year’s theme for me is to build habits in every area of my life that is important to me, so that I can be consistent in my effort.

Having decided on the theme, I also have three focus areas where I would like to transform:


I am a diabetic and dysthymic. It is critical that I build habits in my life so that i am consistently working to get & stay healthier. I did get healthy last year by losing almost 14 KG’s but I fell off the wagon and gained 4 KG’s back. My sugar levels are not keeping too well either. So, first area of focus – get and stay healthy (physically, mentally and emotionally).


I am generally a happy person to be around. However, I do stress on a lot of little things (like my son not tying his show lace properly or my wife not removing the show lace before getting her shoe off) to not so little things (like if  I am making this world a better place or not). Intellectually I know that my stressing about these things dont help me or people around me, but emotionally I feel that I cant control my feelings. I want to work on these stressors and learn to relax and not stress so much. I want to let the everyday things make me happier and not stressed up.


I would like to take the dependency on income creation for sustenance out of my life so that i can focus on doing things that will make this world a better place to live in. So, this year, I want to focus on ways and means to set things in a direction such that i no longer have to work for money.

These are my three words for 2017. What about you?