Google to Alphabet and a New Model for Organisational Growth

Google founders Sergey and Larry have the knack of doing unconventional things. They have done it again by giving birth to a parent company for Google – Alphabet. In a blog post, that seems to have surprised almost everyone, Larry explains their reasoning behind the need to create Alphabet and how the new structure will provide focus, leadership and independence to all their businesses, while allowing both Sergey and Larry the time and latitude to focus on their moonshots or the big bets that they are going after. In my opinion, the move is a good move because of the following reasons: This […]

25 Insanely Interesting People I Came Across in 2014

One of the goals that i had for 2014 was to discover new people and learn from new sources. I must say that I was fortunate enough to discover these people online and learn so much from them. So, here is a list of some of the insanely interesting people that i came across in 2014. I do hope you will find some of these people and the great work that they are doing interesting enough to start following them. Bernadette Jiwa: She has a great blog called “The Story of Telling“. This is one of the best blogs that […]

PBTO11: Building An Ideas Driven Organizations with @DeanMSchroeder and @AlanGRobinson

Who is on the show today: In today’s episode, we have Dr. Dean Shroeder & Dr. Alan G Robinson, authors of the best selling book “Ideas Driven Organization”. Why are they on the show Dr. Alan G. Robinson, is an award-winning author, educator, researcher and consultant. He has co-authored six books, which have been translated into more than 20 languages. His specialties include managing continuous improvement, creativity, ideas and innovation lean production. He has advised more than 200 organizations in 25 countries. He is also  Professor at the Isenberg School of Management of the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Dean M Schroeder, PhD, […]

To Transform your Organization, Give a Shit

One of the most difficult thing to do in a business as a CEO, is to successfully transform the business. The success rates of most of these transformation efforts show that most of these don’t succeed, which in my opinion is an understatement. Yet, a lot of CEO’s find themselves at a cross-roads, where they need to transform their organizations or see them remain a shadow of their past or in certain businesses, go out of business. There are a lot of industries that are going through such a transformational change. So, what would you do if you were a […]

Why I consider Marissa Meyers decision a step in the right direction for Yahoo!

There has been enough being said about Marissa Meyer’s memo to all Yahoo employees about asking all employees to report to work in office and not work remotely. Most of the media and other leaders in the industry have gone on record saying that this is a step back into the past for Yahoo! Most have shared statistics about the higher productivity that people have been reported among people working from home or remotely and how other organizations are fostering creativity and encouraging more people to work remotely. I, however, agree that this is a step in the right direction […]