25 Insanely Interesting People I Came Across in 2014

One of the goals that i had for 2014 was to discover new people and learn from new sources. I must say that I was fortunate enough to discover these people online and learn so much from them. So, here is a list of some of the insanely interesting people that i came across in 2014. I do hope you will find some of these people and the great work that they are doing interesting enough to start following them. Bernadette Jiwa: She has a great blog called “The Story of Telling“. This is one of the best blogs that […]

Making Choices – The Most Important Job of a Leader

Seth Godin published a blog about Choices and how these choices define the kind of people we become. As an entrepreneur or a business owner, it is even more important to understand and improve how we create and make choices. It is in fact the only thing that a business owner is responsible to do – to make choices – whom should he hire; should he hire or not; what work to do himself and what to outsource or delegate; which project to start and which one to stop; which one to ship and when; should he take funding from a VC or to […]

Podcast Recommendation: Get-It-Done-Guys-Quick-and-Dirty-tips to work less and do more by @GetItDoneGuy

The 3rd podcast that I would like to recommend is for anyone who wants to improve their productivity and effectiveness, which I guess, is all of us 😉 Get-It-Done Guy’s Quick and Dirty Tips to Work Less and Do More. This show is hosted by Stever Robbins. He is a serial entrepreneur, having co-founded the early internet success story FTP Software, served as COO of Building Blocks Interactive, CEO of JobTacToe.com, and has been an initial team member of ten start-ups, including four IPOs and three acquisitions. He is the author of It Takes a Lot More than Attitude…to Build a Stellar […]

Stop Annoying Your Customers

Have you ever felt that you are taken advantage of, your patience taken granted for? Today, I felt the same with a set of friends, family and strangers. Today, I went to watch a movie to a movie hall. This was a high profile movie with great expectations. So, all of us in the cinema hall (INOX Lido) were eagerly waiting to watch the movie. The cinema hall had a set of captive audience, so what did they do? They played ads at the start of the movie, for 15 mins. The movie was scheduled to start at 9:00 AM. […]

How to Build an Insanely Successful Product or Service

I was at a tech startup event last week and as is at all these events, there was a discussion about how do you build new products or services that have a good chance at success. I have learnt from my personal experience and from observing a lot of successful and not so successful startups that every entrepreneur trying to create a new product or service could follow the following process to have a good chance at building a successful product or service: Step1: Know thy user My personal experience in having facilitated numerous innovation workshops and from observing some highly […]