How to Be Remarkable and Do Memorable Work?

Premise: I stumbled on to this performance by a school band and thought it was incredible and wanted to share this with all of you. When I think about this a bit more, I realised that there is a lot that we can learn from this band as leaders. Before we move to the learning part, first take the 8 to 10 mins to watch the band perform for the spectators here. One of the most powerful way to stand out is not to conform to the expectations that people have of you. We don’t expect a band to play […]

7 Character Traits of Leaders worth Following

Yes and Mindset The best leaders are those who understand the importance of accepting what’s happened and decides to move forward, irrespective of what has already happened. They may feel frustrated for a moment. They will take that moment and deal with their frustration and find a way to learn from what happened and make an intentional choice about how to respond to the situation. They do not dwell on the past (successful or otherwise). They know that both success and failure are not permanent. They also know that both success and failure contain the seed of possibility and are […]

Having Difficult Conversations

As leaders, it is inevitable that at some point in time we will need to have some form of a difficult conversation with someone. It could be as simple as providing someone with critical feedback that they might not like or as difficult as letting someone go. It is never easy and needs a lot of patience, care and empathy on our part, whenever we are called upon to have such difficult conversation. Recently, the CEO of had one such difficult conversation with his staff, when he had to let go of 15% of his staff. The way he […]

Insanely Interesting People who Influenced me – #8 His Holiness – The 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet

For the rest of the year, I would like to take a moment and thank the people who have had a significant impact on me as an individual. The way they have lived their lives and their body of work has had an outsized impact on how I think about life in general and and work, in particular. Some of these are contemporary thinkers and some of them are just a memory. Some of them are famous in their own rights and some of them are yet to be found by others. Some of them are young and some of […]