PBTO: What sort of Leader do you want to be with Lisa O’Neill

This the first episode of the current season of my podcast – Pushing Beyond the Obvious and I am super happy and excited to kick off the season with none other than Lisa O’Neill. She is a self described energy and human expert.

In this wide ranging conversation about energy and leadership, she shared a lot of great insights on leadership.

Here are some of my takeaways from the conversation:

She shared insights about the importance of knowing ourselves. If we do not know what kind of a leader we want to be, how would our team know.

In order for our teams to perform at their best, they need to know exactly what we expect from them. So the first thing that we need to do as a leader is to become aware of what exactly do we want, who exactly we are and how exactly should our team engage with us.

She also shared the importance of letting our team know how we roll as a leader. That way they know how to get the best out of us. High performing teams don’t just need team members performing at their peak but their leaders performing at their peak as well. And this aspect of leadership is not discussed or shared enough.

She shares a 4 step model to help us get more self aware – Notice, Nourish, Navigate and Nurture. In all, she shares the importance of pondering, pondering about ourselves and what we want.

She also challenged the leaders listening with these three quests:

  1. Spend a week only asking questions of your team.
  2. List down all the people in your team and rate them from whom you really like to the one you least like. Answer the question – why is this so?
  3. Write down three personal things you know about everyone on your team. If you can’t up with them, take them off for a cup of coffee or tea and talk to them to get to know them.

In conclusion, this season could not have started at a better note than this conversation. I have lined up a lot more conversations with both thought leaders and practicing leaders for the show and am excited about how things will go from here. I hope you ride along with me on this journey.

PS: If you want to want Lisa as you listen to this conversation, you can do so below:

Resources that were mentioned in the episode:

– Thought Leaders Business School – https://thoughtleaders.com.au
– My post on the 25 Women – https://rmukeshgupta.com/celebrating-25-women-who-influenced-and-shaped-my-thinking-and-work/
– More info about Matt Church – https://www.mattchurch.com

Books mentioned by Lisa:

– 100 questions for self awareness by Lisa O’Neill – https://www.lisaoneill.co.nz/shop
– Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsh- https://amzn.to/3MiMuWd
– You can Heal your life by Louisa Hay – https://amzn.to/3S92BcI
– Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz – https://amzn.to/45Hls1v
– The Net and the Butterfly by Olivia Fox Cabane – https://amzn.to/45JGRaA

You can find more information about Lisa and her work – https://www.lisaoneill.co.nz
You can connect with her on LInkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/lisaonz/

Connect with me: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rmukeshgupta

My books:

– Your startup Mentor: https://amzn.to/3FrBbHr

– Thrive: https://amzn.to/493brhZ

– Being Happy: https://amzn.to/3QsE4xO