PBTO29: Entrepreneur in Focus – Natasha from www.NatsyByDesign.com

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In today’s episode, we host Natasha, founder & CEO of www.NatsyByDesign.com – an online store that supports artisans by brining their work directly to the consumer.

In this free wheeling conversation, we talk about what it means to succeed and fail and how important it is for entrepreneurs to continue to learn.

She shares her learning and challenges around scaling a business that depends on people who work on their own schedules and are not very keen on innovations around their traditional designs.

She also shares some of the challenges that she continues to face and how she copes up with these challenges.

This is a good episode to listen to if you are an entrepreneur, to understand that you are not alone in the struggles.. That the struggle and the hustle is part of the journey.. And that its not if you will hit a wall in your entrepreneurial journey but a question of when..

This episode and other episodes that I have recorded with other entrepreneurs are dedicated to all my entrepreneurial friends. You make the world go around – so pls don’t stop believing in yourself or in your dream.. We need you more than you know!

You can reach Natasha on facebook.