A Prime Example of Human Creativity, Ingenuity and Resilience

I came across this music video that made me sit up and brought a big, wide, smile. Watch it first here. https://vimeo.com/412337478 This is a prime example of what happens when you bring together people who are willing to test boundaries, explore, stay curious and above all want to express themselves. The choreography, music, the interaction between the panes is simple yet comes alive.   Who said that you can’t make music videos when you are physically distanced. Nothing needs to and will stop because of the physical distancing that the pandemic has created.   Here is another example of […]

10 Lessons in Leadership from Amitabh Bachchan’s first movie – Saat Hindustani

Premise: I have always been wanting to watch Amitabh Bachchan‘s first movie – Saat Hindustani (7 Indians). The story of the movie is how a band of 7 Soldiers wreak havoc in Portuguese occupied Goa and show to the Goans that they are also a part of India and that India had not forgotten their Goan siblings in their fight for freedom. As I watched the film, I could not notice but see a few things that we can all learn from. I would like to share the same here: The movie starts off with a large group of Indian […]