Lessons in Leading Product Designers or Innovators from James Dyson’s AMA

If you are leading product development or any form of design teams or creative professionals or leading an innovation effort, I think you will find the short video very insightful. In the video, James Dyson answers questions on product design curated from twitter. I think that the selection of questions and the answers given by James Dyson as part of this AMA are really worth listening multiple times. You can watch the entire video here. One fundamental learning for us as leaders from his response and from his journey as an inventor / innovator is that, a truly innovative product […]

Intellectual Curiosity, Critical Thinking and Perspective Taking

Just finished reading by Hank Barnes on Gartner’s blog where he talks about his pet peeves with the B2B world and I quote My biggest pet peeve is that the B2B world has DEVOLVED to  a world where three things don’t seem to be valued anymore – Hank Barnes (On the Gartner blog) The three things that he mentions are “Intellectual Curiosity, Critical Thinking and Perspective taking”. While he talks from the perspective of Businesses dealing with other Businesses, I reckon, these are true for each and everyone of us and in every sphere of life – both personal and professional. While […]

Where do Ideas Come from?

I was recently speaking to a group of students about how can we learn to be creative on-demand and was asked this question. The student asked is there a way we can categorise all the different ways we can come up with a creative idea. This is another way of asking – Where do Ideas come from? I have written about this in the past here, here, here and here. There are multiple different ways to look at this question from. One way is to look at this from the lens that Steven Johnson wrote about in his best selling […]

Five Theses on Creativity

I recently read an op-ed post by Eric Kaplan for The New York Times titled “Five Theses on Creativity” which made me a bit curious. Isn’t that what op-ed pieces are supposed to do? Well, if yes, then this one did its job for me.   In the post, Eric shares the following five theses on creativity:   1.  Creativity makes something new 2.  Creativity hides itself 3.  Creativity permeates life 4.  Creativity can break your heart 5.  Creativity is a kind of love   I have written about these themes in the past. I believe that creativity is all […]

A Prime Example of Human Creativity, Ingenuity and Resilience

I came across this music video that made me sit up and brought a big, wide, smile. Watch it first here. https://vimeo.com/412337478 This is a prime example of what happens when you bring together people who are willing to test boundaries, explore, stay curious and above all want to express themselves. The choreography, music, the interaction between the panes is simple yet comes alive.   Who said that you can’t make music videos when you are physically distanced. Nothing needs to and will stop because of the physical distancing that the pandemic has created.   Here is another example of […]