The Difficulty of Being in the Present Moment and Strategies to Overcome it

Premise: Earlier today, I came across a blog post on The School of Life blog about the difficulty of being in the present. You can read the entire post here. It so happens that I’ve been having a conversation with my wife and son recently about the same topic (which is a slightly better way of saying that both of them don’t think I am being present in the moment when I am with them). I do accept this as a fact as I am mostly in the midst of either looking at my past or looking forward to my […]

Seizing the day with principles of Improv Comedy | Anil Abraham | TEDxSJMC

One of the things that I talk about in my book Thrive, is about the mindset of “Yes And”. This comes from the world of improvisation comedy. This mindset indicates that the best way forward in any situation in life, as in an improvisational comedy session, is to first agree and accept what has already happened and then build on it.  “Yes” part of the mindset is about acceptance of what has preceded or what has already happened. “And” part of the mindset is about building on top of what has already been accepted. You can’t change what has gone […]

The Act of Leading Vs Being a Leader

Premise: I was talking to one of my friends about leadership and what it means to be a leader and is there a distinction between being a leader and the act of leading. What follows is my understanding of the difference. Would be a great to riff at this. Apart from the fact that one is a verb and the other is a noun, there are a few other important things that we need to understand. The Act of Leading: The act of leading implies two things It is an act (with a beginning, middle and an end) It is […]