Seizing the day with principles of Improv Comedy | Anil Abraham | TEDxSJMC

One of the things that I talk about in my book Thrive, is about the mindset of “Yes And”. This comes from the world of improvisation comedy. This mindset indicates that the best way forward in any situation in life, as in an improvisational comedy session, is to first agree and accept what has already happened and then build on it. 

“Yes” part of the mindset is about acceptance of what has preceded or what has already happened.

“And” part of the mindset is about building on top of what has already been accepted.

You can’t change what has gone before, you can only shape what comes next via how respond to this stimuli. This response is the action we take to build on the stimuli we got. This response determines how our lives turn out.

When I saw a TEDx talk delivered by Dr. Anil Abraham (A dermatologist in the day and an entertainer in the evening) about how the principles of improvisational comedy could  help one seize their day, I had to share this with all of you.

He brings in the usual humour that he is known for and brings all the concepts alive in his talk.

I hope you enjoy watching this talk as much as I enjoyed watching it.