Unlocking Success: The Key Questions You NEED to Ask About Your Stakeholders

Premise: We now live in a world where we are going through a change of one kind or another. Even when we are not leading a change initiative, we are, at all times collaborating with others, who are not part of our team, people who have a different goal than our own, people whose contribution might be critical for our success. In such scenarios, one of the skills that becomes critical for our success is our ability to align and influence the various stakeholders that we work with. I have found that it helps if we are intentional about how […]

Addressing the Elephant in the Room

Premise: One of the responsibility of a leader is to be able to tell people what they think about them, their potential, performance and presence. Sometimes it is good news and sometimes not so. It is easy when we it is good news. So, we tend to share this often and easily. However, it is difficult to share the bad news and many leaders tend to post-pone this conversation as it is uncomfortable, both for them and to those they are delivering it. However, the more we delay sharing the bad news, the worse it gets and the more difficult […]

Impact of Culture on our Thinking

The teacher, philosopher, J Krishnamurthy’s insight on the impact of culture on our thinking is deep and I believe right on target. We are social beings and our evolutionary biology still plays a significant role in how we show up, think and act in social settings. This in turn has an impact on what we think about, how we think about it and what are the boundaries within which we think about it. It is very rare that someone is able to go beyond these boundaries and think outside the cultural norms, usually the few exceptions to the rule. So, […]

Turning Status Quo into Your Ally

I recently read a blog post by Seth Godin titled, “The four cohorts of the status quo“. It reminded of the fact that as leaders, we need to understand the concept of status quo, how to leverage it and deal with it, as appropriate. This ability to not allow status quo to hinder our pursuits is a high leverage or impact skill for any leader. In the post, Seth talks about the four kinds of people and their relationship with Status quo – those who actively benefit from it, those who care about the stability that it provides, those who […]

Imposter Syndrome

Premise: One of the things that I have experienced myself and heard from many other leaders is the feeling of being an imposter. Everyone of us at some point in time, have felt the feeling of being an imposter. Sometimes it could be because, we don’t see what someone else sees in us, as capability and/or potential. Other times, it could be that we are not sure if we deserve the leadership position that we currently occupy, specially when we see some really good people on the team. This is self-doubt. In my opinion, any good leader, worth their salt, […]