The Breakthroughs Before Your Breakthrough by Anthony Iannarino

One of the pleasures I derive from being connected via Internet is to find people whose work i enjoy and learn from and connect with them. One such person whose work i really respect and learn a lot from is Anthony Iannarino.

He blogs at The Sales Blog, which is probably one of the best blogs for sales people to do well in their profession. Even though the blog is called “The Sales Blog”, I believe that all of us who want to lead and do well in the influence economy, can learn and benefit from it.

A case in point is his latest blog post – The Breakthroughs Before your breakthrough”.

He talks about how breakthroughs in performance can only happen after we seen enough personal breakthroughs. Read the post here.

I will quote some of the things he shares in the blog here:

You must break through your fears first.

You’ll also have to break through your fear of failing.

Missteps and mistakes precede breakthroughs and provide feedback on the adjustments you need to make.

Resistance is something else you will also have to break through.

Comfort is something that must be broken through.

You can follow his

1> Blog  –

2> YouTube Channel –

3> Books –

4> Trainings –

I strongly recommend that you follow Anthony and the content that he creates. I am sure it is time well invested in ourselves.